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Graduation Ceremonies

Traditional Chinese Kung Fu and Tai Chi Ceremonies

Buddha Zhen teaching at YMCABuddha Kung Fu
founded 2008

3 Graduation Ceremonies Annually:
     1st Saturday in February
     Last Saturday in May
     Saturday after Thanksgiving in November

Belt testing must be completed at least one week prior to the graduation ceremony so a sash can be obtained and striped. Also, a certificate needs to be printed, filled out and receive the Chinese signature chop in dragon's blood stamped on it.

Wear your old sash to the ceremony. You will keep your old sash by adorning behind your neck, draped across your chest, folded in half, like a Hebrew prayer shawl.

Get all your belt test approvals as quickly as possible. The actual Belt Tests are not scheduled until all Belt Test Approvals are acquired and dthe $50 belt test fee is paid. All belt tests are the same price of $50 in all schools for all belt levels.

The Buddhist head-shaving-naming ceremonie only take place at the November graduation ceremony.


Traditional Rules of Chinese Kung Fu and Tai Chi Ceremonies

Buddha Zhen receiving Patriarch Sash of Shaolin Chi Mantis and Tai Chi Youth

Buddha Zhen receiving Patriarch Sash 1997

Graduation PARTY: "Who can answer the following questions?"

Buddha Zhen says1, Which page of the Buddha Kung Fu Student Manual explains Kung Fu restaurant etiquette?

2. Who lines up on the rights side of the Shifu?

3. Who is the first person to sit down?

4. Who sits opposite the Shifu?

5. Who sits to the right of the Shifu?

6. Where do your friends and family sit at the Kung Fu celebration table?

The answers to these and more questions
can be found in your Buddha Kung Fu Student Manual.

Number your answers and bring them to class.

7. SCM Ceremonies: Why is the head shaved?

  8. SCM Ceremonies: Why is fruit given to the Master?

  9. SCM Ceremonies: Why is a gift given to the Master?

10. SCM Ceremonies: What is the written pledge?

11. SCM Ceremonies: What is a Chinese Kowtow?

12. SCM Ceremonies: Why does Shaolin Chi Mantis have an Initiation Ceremony?

Graduation Ceremony Schedule

Normally, we have our Saturday class first and then conduct the Graduation Ceremony.
Read your Buddha Kung Fu Student Manual for more rules and information about our Buddha Kung Fu Graduation Ceremonies.

Highest ranks go first.
Shaolin Chi Mantis before Buddha Kung Fu before Tai Chi Youth.

Stand at attention and look good the entire ceremony.
(You don't always know when someone is videotaping you.)

Winter Graduation
Spring Graduation
Annual Member Meeting

Saturday: February 7, 2015

North Hollywood Park
2:00pm Graduation Ceremony
2:30pm Graduation Party
     Dinner location TBA
     North Hollywood


Saturday: May 23, 2015

North Hollywood Park
2:00pm Graduation Ceremony
2:30pm Graduation Party
     Dinner location TBA
     North Hollywood


November 29, 2014

North Hollywood Park
4:00pm SCM Board of Trustees
4:30pm BKF Board of Trustees
5:00pm TCY Board of Trustees
5:30 SCM Graduations
        SCM Buddhist Initiations
        BKF Graduations
        TCY Graduations
6:00pm Graduation Party
     Dinner location TBA
     North Hollywood

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